The Department of English organised a guest lecture on “Be Lettered to be Lifted” on 09/01/2025 in Rose Seminar Hall. Dr. S. Jenefa Kiruba Malar, Assistant Professor of Sarah Tucker College, Palayamkottai was the resource person. Dr. J. R. Janitha Rani, the Principal of Rosemary College and Mrs. A. Deborah Joicy,The Head of the Department presided over the program. The session started with a prayer song. Ms. K. V. Mahalakshmi of III BA welcomed the gathering. The chief guest’s speech influenced as well as enlightened our students much closer to the topic. The speaker made a thought provoking session on the topic. The objective of the event fulfilled the need of each and everyone who has gathered in the program. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Alfina of II BA English. Ms. S. Dharshni was noted for her enthusiastic Master of Ceremony.